
With regard to the issuance of the Certificate of Circulation of Goods “EUR 1″, if conditions permit, it is necessary for the customs operator to have a special mandate from the exporting company to issue and sign in his own name but on behalf of the obligated economic operator this document to be exhibited, when requested by the Customs Offices, as proof of the broader power of representation. (art. 5 C.D.C.; art. 2 D.D. 27/10/2000, prot. 8703)

This warrant must also be submitted and signed on letterhead and attached in original to the customs clearance documentation (or advanced by fax to the customs operator) and is valid until revoked in writing.

Alternatively, at some Customs, it is accepted to mandate the issuance of Certificate EUR 1 directly in the body of the invoice valid for customs clearance, thus delegating the customs operator from time to time.

It is also permissible to issue a single warrant on letterhead and duly signed for the customs operator including both Indirect Representation and the issuance of the EUR 1 Certificate.

A proxy template for issuing the EUR 1 Certificate can be downloaded from here:
Warrant Issue EUR 1


Posted on

3 June 2018