With note 78736 of 22 June 2012, the Customs Agency granted the subjects who have obtained the AEO certification through the telematic system and in a domiciled procedure, to make customs declarations of export, and export combined with transit, every day, in a period of time extended from 01:00 to 24:00.

This is an important opening of the Customs Agency towards companies and subjects that meet particular reliability requirements and a particular degree of responsibility.

The benefit, on the one hand, allows to overcome the time limits imposed by the operating hours of the Customs Offices, while on the other, it makes the logistics chain more competitive, adapting customs clearance times to those of other Community realities.

Only goods selected for verification, whether documentary or physical, must remain at the authorised places until the authorised customs officer can intervene during the operating hours of the competent Office.

Once again, the importance of this certification is noted, which companies, given the growing need for speed, should consider more carefully.

Franzosini Italia S.r.l. is an AEO certified company and with the collaboration of the partner BUTTI DINO & C. AGENZIA DOGANA S.a.s. of Carimate (CO), it can IMMEDIATELY carry out the export formalities from 05:00 to 22:00 (from 05:00 to 08:00 only for customs clearance that does not require the issuance of EUR1 Certificates).

Loc. Colombirolo – 22060 Carimate (CO) – Italy
phone: +39.031.789157, +39.031.791090
Fax: +39.031.789114, +39.031.790087